A temple, fan palms, and sunsets: what more
could a novice photographer want?

Sister Markham has taken a lot of pictures with her digital camera. [Did you know the numbering system resets after taking 10,000 pictures?] Most of them have been taken on the fly, literally from the window of a moving car. We have noticed that she is taking far fewer pictures from the car lately. Maybe it’s because she’s finally taken all the pictures she wanted, i.e, man with propane tank on his head; woman with sewing machine on her head, 5000 pictures of babies on backs... you get the picture, no pun intended.... She actually became quite skilled at taking pictures from a moving vehicle. Her tips: aim straight ahead if possible; don’t even try on a cloudy day; make sure the camera isn’t set on macro from the last flower picture.

Now that she has mastered that challenge, she has decided to actually read the manual and learn how to use her camera for still shots. She has been practicing on the temple. Here are some samples:

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

Accra Ghana Temple

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